CSSS Math Camp 2021

View the Project on GitHub peteragao/CSSS-Math-Camp-2021

Welcome to Math Camp!

Historically, Math Camp has been a 5-day review course covering algebra, matrix algebra, calculus, and probability. This year, lectures will be uploaded before the week of Math Camp. Lectures are intended to be watched outside of synchronous class time. During our synchronous Zoom meetings, we will discuss topics from lectures, address questions, and work through examples together and in small groups. The programming language R will be introduced in synchronous afternoon labs, where we will work through examples together over Zoom (no preparation is necessary for lab).

Instructor: Peter Gao, Graduate Student, Dept. of Statistics
TA: Jessica Kunke, Graduate Student, Dept. of Statistics


The daily schedule may vary as we adapt to an online version of Math Camp, but the tentative synchronous learning schedule is as follows:

10:00am-10:45am Review lectures and practice problems (First day, introduction)
10:45am-11:30am Breakout Rooms: Practice problems
1:30pm-3:00pm R labs
3:00pm-4:00pm Additional problem session/office hours (if needed)

Slides and materials will be linked to in the schedule below as they are made available. The materials provided here have been largely created by previous CSSS Math Camp instructors, including Jessica Godwin.

Monday, September 13



Tuesday, September 14



Wednesday, September 15



Thursday, September 16



Friday, September 17

